Dear all,
Please be informed that on 10 and 11 September 2014, a meeting was held in Skopje between the Macedonian aviation authorities (CAA) and high representatives of EUROCONTROL, the European Commission and the Satellite Navigation Agency of the European Union, organized by the CAA, with a very important topic for the Macedonian aviation – Introduction of Satellite Navigation System that would allow take off and landing at Skopje Airport in foggy conditions.
The Director of the EUROCONTROL Single Sky Directorate, Mr. Luc Tytgat, addressed the gathering, and Mr. Lorenzo Bella, EUROCONTROL Junior Satellite Navigation Expert, had a presentation on behalf of the European Air Navigation Safety Organization titled – EUROCONTROL activities, overview, perspectives and future development of the project.
Mr. Ugo Celestino, Satellite Navigation Policy Officer of the European Commission had a presentation on the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service, Mrs. Carmen Aguilera, Aviation Market Development Officer at the European Agency for Global Satellite Navigation, had a presentation on the Status of the Global Navigation Satellite System Programmers, and Mr. Richard Farnworth, R-NAV Approach Focal Point had a presentation – Approach Options for Performance Based Navigation.
Representatives from M-NAV and TAV Macedonia participated in this event and gave maximum support to the project and expressed their readiness for its realization.
On behalf of the Macedonian Navigation and airports operator, presentations were made by Mr. Saso Sterjov, GH & Safety Manager of TAV-Macedonia who talked about Performance Based Navigation, while Mr. Mile Jakimov from M-NAV had a presentation about the Macedonian air navigation services provider. The meeting was supported by the representatives of the operating airlines: Wizz Air, Turkish Airlines, Adria Airways, Austrian Airlines and Croatia Airlines.
The meeting was opened by the Director General of the CAA, Ph.D. Dejan Mojsoski, who talked about the meaning of the project for introduction of Satellite Navigation System to allow take off and landing at Skopje and Ohrid Airports in foggy conditions for the overall civil aviation development, and pointed out also that the commitment of the Republic of Macedonian to become a part of the European Satellite System enjoys a full support as a European country and a member state of EUROCONTROL. This means, said Mojsoski, that in a few months will start the process of modernization of the air traffic control and airport infrastructure systems in the country.
Mojsoski also said that currently, the model of application of the Republic of Macedonia is being scrutinized, and it is expected that within a reasonable time framework directions will be obtained for further implementation of the system.
“It is a new technology that started its serious implementation a year ago, and we are introducing it at the right moment, i.e. immediately after definition of the problem. Now, we are in the first stage when the necessary operational, technical and financial analyses will be made and the necessary human resources will be determined.” – said Mr. Mojsoski.
According to the CAA’s Director General, the becoming a part of the European Satellite System for the Republic of Macedonia is a project of pan-European dimension that would provide benefits not only to civil aviations and airlines of the region, but also to the overall travelling public. He believes that at the moment, Republic of Macedonia meets the preconditions for implementation of the project, by possessing good technical facilities for making the system operational and has an excellent coverage of the signal; it is a candidate state for membership to the European Union, a Member State of EUROCONTROL and a signatory to the ECAA Agreement.
In his address, Mr. Luc Tytgat, Director of the Single Sky Directorate, said that the two days meeting in Skopje was of utmost importance, that it was an example of European cooperation that would encourage aviation transport everywhere in Europe. He said that getting to Skopje by air was not always easy. There have been many cancellations and complaints by passengers. Therefore, he believes that people should be allowed to visit our country in an easy and inexpensive way. He expressed readiness for sharing the necessary new technologies that would allow the solution offered by the global satellite technology to become available for our country. He pointed out that the Seminar held in Skopje can serve as an example of how the new system can be introduced everywhere in Europe.
The extensive two days consideration of the possibility for Introduction of Satellite Navigation System that would allow take off and landing at the Macedonian airports in foggy conditions gave rise to the following conclusions:
1. It is necessary to open the opportunity for Pa-European integration based on the framework agreement between EUROCONTROL and the EU Satellite Navigation Agency.
2. It is necessary to continue the cooperation and coordination among the airlines, M-NAV, TAV-Macedonia the CAA and the EU Satellite Navigation Agency, the European Commission and EUROCONTROL for finding the appropriate model for implementation of the BEYOND Project that will be open for inclusion by all countries in the region from November 2014.
3. It is necessary to consider the possibility of regional cooperation and introduction in the project by many as many countries as possible that would allow a regional dimension to the project, but also a regional integration.
For the purpose of accomplishment of these three key activities, a Work Force will be established with nominated representatives of the EU Satellite Navigation Agency, the European Commission, EUROCONTROL, the CAA, M-NAV and TAV Macedonia that would provide for finding the appropriate implementation model for the Project.
Ph.D. Dejan Mojsoski
CAA Director General
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