The Director General of the Civil Aviation Agency, Mr. Tuntev held a meeting with the President of the Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Committee, Mr. Ilievski

The Director General of the Civil Aviation Agency, Mr. Tomislav Tuntev, Ph.D. continued yesterday the series of working meetings with the relevant entities in the field of civil aviation in the country, with the President of the Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Committee, Mr. Zoran Ilievski.
At the meeting full willingness was expressed to continue the mutual cooperation between the Aviation Regulator and the Specialized Committee for the purpose of undertaking preventive actions by all relevant factors in order to raise the level of aviation safety and promote the national air transport system.
Tuntev informed Ilievski about the level of implementation of the procedure for adopting the amendments of the Aviation Act, which will additionally provide for harmonization of the national aviation legislation with the latest international Standards and Recommended Practices.
Both interlocutors, among other issues, addressed the needs for strengthening the mutual cooperation in relation to all segments and functional systems involved in the operation of the National Aviation Safety Committee and highlighted the need for undertaking joint and coordinated preventive actions of all civil, military, police, specialized and other legal and physical entities in the state dealing with aviation activities in order to avoid any possible incidents.
Tuntev and Ilievski agreed that in order to strengthen the functionality of both institutions, it is necessary to timely meet all responsibilities towards the international organizations and entities in the field of aviation and transport.
The Heads of the Civil Aviation Agency and the Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Committee confirmed the mutual efforts for increasing the cooperation between both institutions within the frames of the legally established competencies.
Ilievski informed Tuntev about the current subjects that the Committee deals with, in accordance with its authorizations deriving from the national legislation and international Standards and Recommended Practices in the field of aviation and transport.
They highlighted the need for continuous cooperation with all relevant institutions and state prosecution authorities in order to enable professional, comprehensive and fruitful operation of CAA and AAIIC in the field of investigation of all actions and consequences occurring during possible accidents or serious incidents in the field of national aviation.
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