Meeting of the management of the Civil Aviation Agency with the management of the Aeronautical Federation

As a part of the regular meetings with the stakeholders in the national air transport system, the Director General of the CAA, Mr. Tomislav Tuntev, Ph.D. and the Head of Division of Safety of Air Transport and Air Navigation of the CAA, Mr.Dragi Stojanoski held a working meeting with Mr.Vladimir Barakoski, President and Mrs. Biljana Everette, Secretary General of the Aeronautical Federation of Macedonia.
At the meeting they highlighted the mutual willingness and determination to intensify the joint cooperation of the CAA and the AFM in the context of development of air sports activities in Macedonia. In addition, they emphasized the role and efforts of the CAA in the processes of continuous raising the level of aviation safety and improvement of national aviation.
The guests from the AFM provided information about all current activities and achievements of national aeroclubs, the problems and challenges faced by aeroclubs on a daily basis, sports pilots and all freeflying fans, as well as the future activities within the annual program for participation in international aeronautical shows and their organization.
The participants in the meeting, among other issues, addressed the possibilities for enhancing the cooperation with the relevant institutions in the field of development of sport and tourism and the mutual endeavors for creating optimum technical and operational conditions for continuous growth of the scope of air sports activities and aerial works in aviation, as well as for the future possibilities for cooperation related to promotion and popularization of freeflying. They mutually confirmed the necessary need of joint cooperation for full implementation and consistent compliance with all national and international standards, recommendations and positive practices in the field of aviation safety. Furthermore, they highlighted the need for implementation of training, public debates, promotional campaigns and operational briefings for intensified and smooth development of paragliding, hanggliding, aeronautical modelling, parachuting, unmanned flying, ballooning and all other forms and types of freeflying and air sports activities.
- 09.05. Aviation safety promotion
- 20.10.  
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- 14.11. Attention
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