Presentation of the new Support to States Policy for EUROCONTROL Member States in front of the representatives of the CAA, M-NAV and TAV Macedonia in Skopje

The presentation of EUROCONTROL’s Support to States Policy was a subject of discussion of the yesterday’s working meeting at the Civil Aviation Agency, attended by representatives of M-NAV, TAV Macedonia and the high representatives of EUROCONTROL, Mr. Gerald Amar and Mr. Oleksandr Lemeshkin.
As discussed at the meeting the purpose of the Programme is to provide to the Member States of the Organization professional, clearly profiled assistance, created on the basis of their needs and with pre-determined results from its implementation. The new EUROCONTROL Policy foresees monitoring of the progress which the States will achieve thorough the provided assistance, based on objective criteria.
The guests from EUROCONTROL once again reiterated in front of the participants the importance of the new Policy, whose main objective is to improve the efficiency of the work and development of the States, through the process of providing customized assistance with a clearly structured approach and a main focus on all Member States, which have a realistic need thereof.
The representatives of the Macedonian aviation industry led a constructive discussion and proposed a series of issues and suggestions for the purpose of harmonizing the aviation system of the Republic of North Macedonia with the requirements and responsibilities deriving from the Multilateral Agreement on the European Common Aviation Area, which has the aim to create a higher quality aviation business atmosphere, at the satisfaction of all stakeholders of the aviation network in Europe.
The application of EUROCONTROL’s new Support to States Policy, which was approved by EUROCONTROL’s Permanent Commission, is effective from January 1, 2019.
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