The CAA Director General Mr. Stojanoski presented a plaque to the awarded students from the ES Lazo Trpovski

The Director General of the Civil Aviation Agency Mr. Dragi Stojanoski, presented today the award to the 5th grade students from the Elementary School Lazo Trpovski from Skopje, who received an award from the Air and Space Traffic International School Competition 2024 special jury traditionally held in Berlin, Germany. During the competition, the students participated with Airbus A380, A315, A320 aircraft models made of different materials.
Congratulating them on the well-deserved award, Mr. Stojanoski urged them that their commitment from a young age to participating in international competitions, with an aviation sign, to the Civil Aviation Agency has a significance of honest pride since their creative works directly affect the promotion of the country and of the Macedonian civil aviation in front of the domestic and international public.
At the same time, he added, it gives us hope, to us as aviation authorities, that we have provoked interest at you, as young people, for this uniquely important, distinct and future profession.
-I believe that your creative works such as model airplanes currently made of various materials will one day be in your hands in their true size and splendour. At the same time, I wish that one day a large number of you will stand behind the steering wheel of Airbus, Boeing… or join the aviation personnel who operate the aircraft, yearning to be involved in the production and maintenance of these aircraft and a series of other professions offered by the aviation sector. You may also be interested in entering the aviation sector, through oversight and control over the safety and security of aircraft and the traveling public.
Mr. Stojanoski, in addition to the internationally acquired award to the ES Lazo Trpovski, also presented a plaque dedicated from the Civil Aviation Agency and expressed gratitude for their efforts invested in the promotion of the Macedonian aviation, in the country and abroad as well.
-A plaque which I hope will represent an additional incentive for you as young people to continue with your mission, representing interest, desire and passion aimed at aviation to become your future profession, enabling you to touch the sky and feel the adrenaline and excitement that only the boundless blue sky can offer you, emphasized Stojanoski.
The joint project prepared by students from the 4th grade (now already the 5th grade) “Flying with Airbus” was coordinated by two teachers in the capacity of mentors Ms. Alexandra Nedelkovska – Petrovska and Mr. Stefan Simovski.
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